Checking your car's tyres in preparation for the summer holidays

By Priya Singh


Updated On: 28-Feb-2023 07:48 AM

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Maintaining your tyres in good shape is just as vital as keeping your shoes in good repair. So, have you checked your tyres yet? Let's have a look over small initiatives which you can take this summer and keep your vehicle in good condition.

Maintaining your tyres in good shape is just as vital as keeping your shoes in good repair. So, have you checked your tyres yet? Let's have a look over small initiatives which you can take this summer and keep your vehicle in good condition.

Tyres are the most ignored component of a vehicle. The way you treat your tyres affects not just their durability but also your vehicle's balance, steering sensitivity, the power you receive when you press the pedal, mileage, and other factors. The tyres are the real point of contact that connects the vehicle to the road; they carry the weight of the vehicle and absorb road barriers; therefore, it is critical to prioritize the tyres.

The change of the seasons is a good reminder that it's time to do some basic repairs. Each season's arrival will bring with them fresh weather and driving conditions for the next six months or more, which typically means making sure your car is ready for its next tour of duty on the road or track.

Tyres are one of the most critical maintenance items on your truck, car or any other type of vehicle. They're also among the easiest to inspect, so there's no excuse not to take care of your vehicle's rubber.

When the temperature outside is high in the summer, it becomes more difficult to keep our automobiles in good condition.

Maintaining your tyres in good shape is just as vital as keeping your shoes in good repair. So, have you checked your tyres yet? Let's have a look over small initiatives which you can take this summer and keep your vehicle in good condition.

The trick is to check pressures once a week or whenever you refuel. Pour some water over the rubber to help it cool down. Parking in the shade might also make a big difference.

Why Is Tyre Pressure Important in Summer?

If you're wondering why the tyre is the first item to check when maintaining your vehicle in the summer, here's why.

Simply put, when the outside temperature rises, so does the temperature in your tyres. Tyre pressure typically rises by one pound per square inch (PSI) for every 10-degree increase in air temperature. While most automobiles' tyre pressures vary from 30 to 35 PSI, the above pressure increase may appear insignificant.

Yet, if you are unaware of your Tyres' pressure sensitivity in summer, a 1-PSI increase may cause the tire to explode.

Vehicle tyre pressure is essential for a safe ride on the road. The proper tyre pressure is required to drive confidently with well-handling and long-lasting tyres. Some of the advantages include greater brake reactivity, a smoother ride, and increased fuel economy.

What Should You Look For To Prevent A Blowout?

It's a valid reason to be concerned about your tyres at any time of year, but it's more important in the summer. These are a few signs that you should pull over and let your tyres cool down.

This monitoring device is standard in many new vehicles and will alert you if the pressure is too low, but it will not warn you if the pressure is too high. As a result, traditional methods such as doing an eyeball test and using a manual gauge will be more reliable.

Tips for Summer Tyre Maintenance

You can't stop the heat, but you may take precautions to avoid a tire blowout on your next summer road trip.

  1. Keep your tires properly inflated. To be safe on the road, tires must have a specified level of air pressure. Follow the manufacturer's instructions, which are usually found on the driver's door jamb plaque and in the owner's manual.

  2. Maintain Your Summer Tire Pressure
    Check the air pressure in your tires with a gauge before you start driving. Check it every two hours or every 100 miles if you fear inflation.

  3. Before driving, let your tyres cool off.
    You may believe that letting a little air out of the tires will allow you to continue driving. It's an incorrect assumption. If you let the air out, you run the chance of driving on under-inflated tires, which is as dangerous. It is preferable to wait until the tyres have cooled down before getting back on the road.

  4. Worn-out tires should be replaced.
    If your tires are already worn thin, a blowout is more likely. Consider purchasing a set of summer tires. In warmer temperatures, these tires will perform better.

  5. Wheels must be cleaned and treated.
    Tyres that have been waxed are less likely to dry out, lowering the chance of a blowout.

Summary of findings

Now that you know the answer, get your vehicle serviced and your tyre pressure checked. Examine the condition of your current tyres, inflate them to the right PSI, and replace them if required.