Blue Energy Motors has launched India's first LNG-powered truck.

By Priya Singh


Updated On: 16-Sep-2022 12:14 PM

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Blue Energy Motors unveiled India's first green truck powered by Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) at its newly opened plant in Chakan, Pune.

Blue Energy Motors unveiled India's first green truck powered by Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) at its newly opened plant in Chakan, Pune.

The 5528 4x2 truck was the first model introduced, having an FPT N67 NG engine and a 1,000-litre cryogenic tank for transporting LNG cargo. The destructive effects of climate change, a focus on lowering greenhouse gases, and a high awareness of the importance of sustainable mobility have pushed corporations all over the world to develop greener automobiles. Because India is not immune to this transition, the shift toward greener vehicles has quickened in recent years. The government and private sector are collaborating to transition the Indian vehicle industry to renewable energy sources.

Anirudh Bhuwalka, CEO of Blue Energy Motors, unveiled the 5528 4x2 model in the presence of Gerrit Marx, CEO of Iveco Group, and Sylvain Blaise, President of Iveco Group's Powertrain Business Unit. The ceremony was also attended by Vincenzo de Luca, Italy's Ambassador to India.

The FPT Industrial multipoint stoichiometric combustion engine in the Blue Energy Motors 5528 truck ensures best-in-class fuel efficiency and reduced noise than diesel engines. It is one of the most powerful natural gas trucks on the Indian market, with 280hp and 1000Nm torque, and is compatible with CNG, LNG, and biomethane.

The truck boasts the industry's first 1000-litre fuel tank, which allows it to travel up to 1400 kilometers on a single fill. With such a long range, concerns about range anxiety are alleviated, and with the forthcoming LNG dispensing network, adequate coverage across key routes in the country will be available without the need for regular replenishing.
The company has installed a capacity of 10,000 trucks each year, which can be increased as the ecosystem matures and demand rises.

Anirudh Bhuwalka, speaking at the event, stated, "India's first LNG truck, which we unveiled today, is our first step towards pioneering the green transportation revolution. Blue Energy Motors’ goal is to decarbonize the environment by delivering an immediate answer and breaking down economic barriers. It is designed not only as an environmentally feasible solution, but it will also deliver to the business needs of customers.” He also added, “With near-zero tailpipe emissions, our truck will help reduce CO2 emissions by up to 30% when compared to typical market alternatives.”

"We are happy that FPT Industrial has joined Blue Energy Motors to begin this exciting path towards enhancing Indian commercial transport," stated Sylvain Blaise, President of Iveco Group's Powertrain Business. “India has one of the world's largest vehicle marketplaces, and our cutting-edge technology and natural gas engines are critical enablers of the ecological change while also producing profit for transport operators," he added.

The 5528 4x2 truck is manufactured in the facility that symbolizes Blue Energy Motors' goal of disrupting the trucking sector in India by manufacturing clean energy, near-zero emissions trucks.