


Best Dumper Trucks In India

भारतात 109 डंपर ट्रक्स विकले जात आहेत. डंपर ट्रक्स, ज्यांना टिपर ट्रक्स किंवा टिपर लोरी म्हणतात, हे जड बांधकाम वाहन आहेत जे माती, वाळू, खडी, खडक आणि इतर सैल साहित्य वाहतूक करण्यासाठी वापरले जातात.

सर्वात लोकप्रिय डंपर ट्रक्समध्ये टाटा 1212 एलपीके (₹22.37 Lakh), टाटा 912 एलपीके (₹20.20 Lakh), टाटा डीआयएन 4825.टीके (₹54.29 Lakh), टाटा डीआयएन 3525.के/टीके (₹54.96 Lakh)आणिटाटा डीआयएन 2825.के/टीके (₹45.10 Lakh) समाविष्ट आहेत, आणि टॉप ब्रँड्समध्ये टाटा, आयशर, भारत बेंझ, अशोक लेलँड, स्कॅनिया इत्यादी आहेत. शीर्ष डंपर ट्रक्सची यादी पाहा आणि आपल्या शहरातील किंमत, नवीनतम ऑफर, वेरिएंट्स, स्पेसिफिकेशन्स, चित्रे, मायलेज, पेलोड क्षमता आणि रिव्ह्यूज तपासा.

2024 मधील भारतातील टॉप 05 डंपर ट्रक्स आणि त्यांची किंमत यादी

मॉडल मूल्य
टाटा 1212 एलपीके ₹22.37 Lakh
टाटा 912 एलपीके ₹20.20 Lakh
टाटा डीआयएन 4825.टीके ₹54.29 Lakh
टाटा डीआयएन 3525.के/टीके ₹54.96 Lakh
टाटा डीआयएन 2825.के/टीके ₹45.10 Lakh

109 डम्पर ट्रक

sort_byक्रमवारी लावा
टाटा 1212 एलपीके

टाटा 1212 एलपीके

एक्स-शोरूम किंमत
₹ 22.37 Lakh
टाटा 912 एलपीके

टाटा 912 एलपीके

एक्स-शोरूम किंमत
₹ 20.20 Lakh
टाटा डीआयएन 4825.टीके

टाटा डीआयएन 4825.टीके

एक्स-शोरूम किंमत
₹ 54.29 Lakh
टाटा डीआयएन 3525.के/टीके

टाटा डीआयएन 3525.के/टीके

एक्स-शोरूम किंमत
₹ 54.96 Lakh
टाटा डीआयएन 2825.के/टीके

टाटा डीआयएन 2825.के/टीके

एक्स-शोरूम किंमत
₹ 45.10 Lakh
टाटा डीआयएन 1923.K

टाटा डीआयएन 1923.K

एक्स-शोरूम किंमत
₹ 35.36 Lakh
टाटा प्रथम 2830.के

टाटा प्रथम 2830.के

एक्स-शोरूम किंमत
₹ 53.99 Lakh
ओलेक्ट्रा मेघेट्रॉन इलेक्ट्रिक टिपर

ओलेक्ट्रा मेघेट्रॉन इलेक्ट्रिक टिपर

प्रत्याक्षिपत मूल्य
किंमत लवकरच येत आहे
टाटा डीआयएन 2823 के/टीके 6 एस एसटीडी

टाटा डीआयएन 2823 के/टीके 6 एस एसटीडी

एक्स-शोरूम किंमत
₹ 46.52 Lakh



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आगामी डम्पर ट्रक

अशोक लेलँड 2825 6x4 एच 6

अशोक लेलँड 2825 6x4 एच 6

प्रत्याक्षिपत मूल्य
किंमत लवकरच येत आहे
टाटा प्रथम E.28K

टाटा प्रथम E.28K

प्रत्याक्षिपत मूल्य
किंमत लवकरच येत आहे
टाटा प्राइमा जी.35 के

टाटा प्राइमा जी.35 के

प्रत्याक्षिपत मूल्य
किंमत लवकरच येत आहे

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लोकप्रियटाटा 1212 एलपीके, टाटा 912 एलपीके, टाटा डीआयएन 4825.टीके, टाटा डीआयएन 3525.के/टीकेआणिटाटा डीआयएन 2825.के/टीके
सर्वात महागव्हॉल्वो एफएमएक्स 460 8x4
Most परवडणारे मआयशर प्रो 2055 टी
Electric Dumper Trucksओलेक्ट्रा मेघेट्रॉन इलेक्ट्रिक टिपर

FAQs Of Dumper Trucks

डंपर ट्रक, ज्याला डंप ट्रकसह देखील ओंवलंचा ट्रक म्हणतात, हे जोरदार वाहन आहे ज्याने बोटमध्ये सण, गरमळ आणि निर्माण सोडत्यात घेऊन आणि मोडण्यात येऊ शकतो. त्याच्या पाठवलेल्या मागच्या बेडच्या खाली भागाच्या मोडीकरणाची कामन केली जाते.

डंपर ट्रक विविध प्रकारच्या आणि आकाराच्या आहेत, जसे की मानक डंप ट्रक, आर्टिक्युलेटेड डंप ट्रक आणि ऑफरोड डंप ट्रक. त्याच्या आकाराची वाढी लागली आहे, जीतकी हलक्या कामांसाठी वापरली जातात ते उच्च लोड क्षमता असलेल्या मायनिंग ट्रकसाठी असतात.

डंपर ट्रक निवडतानीत, आवश्यक लोड क्षमता, भूमि अवस्था, कामाच्या स्थळाची प्रवेशसाध्यता आणि क्रियाशीलता अशी कारके म्हणजे निवडण्याच्या अपेक्षित आकार, प्रकार आणि वैशिष्ट्ये सापडतात. या कारकांची मूल्यांकन केल्यास, तुमच्या विशेष निर्माण प्रकल्पासाठी आवश्यक असलेल्या आकार, प्रकार आणि वैशिष्ट्यांची आवश्यकता कसं आहे हे सापडेल.

निवडतानीत सापडण्यात योग्य वैशिष्ट्ये म्हणजे लोड क्षमता, डंप कोण, जॉर्सपॉवर, सस्पेन्शन प्रणाली, ट्रांसमिशन प्रकार, आणि ब्रेकिंग प्रणाली असतात. अधिकतर, ईंधन किफायतीपणा, सुरक्षा वैशिष्ट्ये, देखरच्या आवश्यकता आणि एकूण टिकूनपणे सापडावील त्याचे पर्याय लक्षात घेतल्याची आवश्यकता आहे.

होय, अनेक निर्माणकर्त्यांनी विशेष ग्राहक आवश्यकतांसाठी सानुकूलन विकलले आहे. या विकल्पांमध्ये शरीर संशोधन, विशेष अटॅचमेंट, अतिरिक्त सुरक्षा वैशिष्ट्ये, आणि सानुकूलिकरण किंवा चित्रितपन असू शकतात. तुमच्या विशेष ग्राहक आवश्यकतांसाठी संवादिपुस्तक किंवा विक्रेत्याशी सल्ला घेण्याची सल्ला दिली जाते.

डंपर ट्रकच्या सर्वोत्तम प्रदर्शन आणि दीर्घकालिकत्वाच्या सुरक्षितीसाठी नियमित देखरेख आवश्यक आहे. हे सामान्य तपासणी, इंजिनचे सेवन, वाहनाच्या वाहनिक प्रणालींचे सेवन, चालत्या भागांचा स्नेहन आणि घालताना काढण्याच्या वेळीच्या सुरुवातीचे विनिमय समाविष्ट करते. विनिमयकर्त्यांच्या सिफारसांच्या आणि मार्गदर्शनांच्या अनुसरण करणे अनुशंसित आहे.

डंपर ट्रकच्या सुरक्षित ऑपरेशनसाठी उचित प्रशिक्षण आणि सुरक्षा प्रोटोकॉलच्या पालनाची आवश्यकता आहे. ऑपरेटरला वाहनच्या ऑपरेशन, लोड सुरक्षित करणे आणि सुरक्षित काढण्याचे प्रक्रियांचे प्रशिक्षण देण्यात यावे लागतो. योग्य वैयक्तिक सुरक्षा संरक्षण साधण्यासाठी उपयुक्त व्यक्तिगत संरक्षण उपकरण घालणे, वाहन सूचना पालन करणे आणि कामस्थळावरील इतर कर्मचारियांसह स्पष्ट संवाद साधणे महत्त्वाचे आहे.

बाजारातील काही लोकप्रिय डंपर ट्रक्स ब्रँड्जमध्ये कॅटर्पिलर, वोल्व्हो, कोमाट्सु, टेरेक्स, हिटाची, बेल, जेसीबी, स्कॅनिया आणि अशोक लेलंड समाविष्ट आहेत. आवश्यकता आणि विश्वासू अंशांच्या संरक्षणार्थ आहेत.

होय, अनेक विक्रेते आणि वित्तीय संस्थांनी डंपर ट्रक खरेदीसाठी वित्तीय विकल्पे उपलब्ध करतात. या विकल्पांमध्ये कर्ज, लिझिंग किंवा हायर-पर्चेस समजूत्या शामिल असू शकतात. आपल्याला वित्तीय विकल्पांबद्दल चिंता करण्याचे आणि उचित अंशांच्या शर्तांची मूल्यांकन करण्याचे शिफारस केले जाते.

CMV360 म्हणजे विविध ब्रँड्जच्या डंपर ट्रक्सची एक संपूर्ण यादी आहे. आपण उपलब्ध असलेल्या पर्यायांची दरजा लागू करू शकता, तपशील तुलना करू शकता आणि अधिक माहितीसाठी विक्रेत्यांशी संपर्क साधू शकता. परंतु, आपण उद्योगाच्या तज्ञांसोबत सल्ला घेऊ शकता किंवा विश्वासास्पद स्रोतांकिंवा सल्ला मिळवून आपल्या आवश्यकतांसाठी योग्य डंपर ट्रक सापडू शकता.

Why you must buy Dumper trucks in India

Dumper trucks are one of the most important trucks used in the construction and mining industries. They are built to carry heavy materials over short distances. You’ll often see them at construction sites, mining areas, and even road work. 

Dumper trucks have made it much easier to move things like sand, gravel, and waste material from one place to another. In India, where infrastructure is growing rapidly, dumper trucks/tipper trucks play a major role in many construction projects. They are designed to handle huge loads, with a tipping body on the back.

Let's discuss what dumper trucks are, where they are used, their main features, and what you should consider before buying one. We'll also list some of India's best dumper trucks and brands.

What is a Dumper Truck?

A dumper truck, also called a tipper truck, is a type of truck that carries loose materials like sand, dirt, dust, rocks, or construction waste. The back part of the truck has an open box bed, which can be lifted from the front to dump the load behind the truck. This tilting feature makes it easy to unload materials quickly, which is why it’s called a dumper truck.

Dumper trucks are tough and can handle heavy loads. They are built to work in rough environments like construction and mining sites. With their special design, they save a lot of time and effort when it comes to moving large amounts of material.

Applications of Dumper Trucks

Dumper trucks are used in various industries. Below are some of the main areas where they are commonly used:

Construction Sites

At construction sites, dumper trucks transport materials like sand, cement, and gravel. They also help in removing waste and debris from the site, making the construction process faster and smoother.


Dumper trucks are widely used in mining to carry rocks, minerals, and ore from the mine to processing plants. These trucks can handle large loads and rough terrains, making them perfect for mining.

Infrastructure Projects

For projects like building roads, dams, and railways, dumper trucks carry materials to the site. 

Waste Management

In the waste management industry, dumper trucks are used to collect and transport large amounts of waste to disposal sites or recycling plants. The tilting feature of the dumper makes it easy to unload the waste quickly.


Dumper trucks are sometimes used in farming to move harvested crops, soil, and manure. They also help in landscaping by moving large amounts of dirt or gravel.

Snow Removal

In areas that experience heavy snowfall, dump trucks equipped with snow ploughs and salt spreaders are used to clear roads and highways during winter.

Military and Defence

The military uses special dump trucks to move equipment, supplies, and personnel across different terrains, including combat zones.

Environmental Remediation

Dump trucks play a crucial role in environmental cleanup projects by transporting contaminated soil and hazardous materials to disposal sites.

Key Features of Dumper Trucks

Dumper trucks have several features that make them ideal for heavy-duty work. Here are some of the main features of Dumper trucks:

Hydraulic Lift

The dumper truck’s back section called the bed, is lifted using a hydraulic system. This allows the truck to easily dump the materials it is carrying, which saves a lot of time.

High Load Capacity

These trucks can carry very heavy loads. Some models can even handle over 20 tons of material in a single trip, making them perfect for large projects.

Strong and Durable

Dumper trucks are built using tough materials like steel, which allows them to work in difficult conditions without getting damaged easily.

Four-Wheel Drive

Many dumper trucks have four-wheel drive, which helps them move on rough and uneven ground. This is useful for mining and construction sites.

Safety Features

Modern dumper trucks come with safety features like anti-lock brakes (ABS), traction control, and cameras for better visibility. These features help prevent accidents and keep the workers and drivers safe.

Things to Consider Before Buying a Dumper Truck

If you are planning to buy a dumper truck in India, there are several things you should think about to make the best decision:

Load Capacity

Make sure the truck can carry the amount of material you need for your project. Buying a truck that’s too big or too small can lead to inefficiency and extra costs. Carrying capacity is a key factor in your decision. 

Dump trucks are classified into three categories based on their capacity: light-duty, medium-duty, and heavy-duty. Choose a truck that meets your business's daily hauling needs.


Consider the type of ground the truck will be working on. If it’s rough or uneven, choose a model with four-wheel drive and a strong suspension system.


Maneuverability is essential, especially if you’ll be working in urban or suburban areas with narrow streets and heavy traffic. In such cases, a light-duty dump truck with advanced maneuvering features can make a big difference. Look for trucks with a tight turning radius and an axle design that supports easy movement in confined spaces.


Dump trucks typically come with two types of transmissions: automatic and manual. Each has its advantages:

Manual Transmission: This type offers multiple gears, allowing drivers to adjust speed and torque for different tasks. It’s especially helpful in rough terrain, like sand or mud.

Automatic Transmission: While generally more expensive, automatic transmissions are easier for both new and experienced drivers to use, making them a good choice for mixed skill levels.

Fuel Efficiency

Dumper trucks consume a lot of fuel. Pick a truck that offers good fuel efficiency so you can save on operational costs in the long run.

Brand and After-Sales Service

Buy from a well-known brand that provides good service support and spare parts. This will help you avoid delays in case the truck needs repairs or maintenance.


Dumper trucks can be expensive, so it’s important to balance your budget with the features you need. Look at both the upfront cost and the long-term running costs before making a decision.

Additional Features

Consider other important features that enhance functionality and durability:

Material Options: Look for trucks made from stainless steel or aluminum for better reliability.

Tailgate Options: Choose between manual or air-release tailgates based on your preferences.

Sideboard Pockets: These can increase capacity for light and medium-duty trucks.

Custom Engineering: Many manufacturers offer customization to suit specific needs.

If you’re unsure about which features to prioritize, it’s a good idea to consult with your manufacturer or visit our website cmv360. Provide them with detailed information about your specific applications and requirements. They can suggest features that will best suit your needs.

Types of Dump Trucks

Dump trucks come in various types, each designed for specific tasks. Here’s a simple overview of the eight common types:

Standard Dump Trucks: The most common type, these trucks have a hydraulic bed at the back. They are often used in construction, roadwork, and landscaping.

Articulated Dump Trucks: These trucks have a pivot point between the cab and the bed, allowing them to move easily over rough terrain. They are commonly used in mining and off-road construction projects.

Transfer Dump Trucks: This type consists of a standard dump truck that pulls a trailer with a movable cargo container. They are useful for transporting different loads and unloading them separately.

Side Dump Trucks: These trucks have a bed that tilts to the side for unloading. This feature allows for precise material placement and is often used in road construction, especially for creating barriers.

Bottom Dump Trucks: Designed to release their loads from the bottom of the cargo bed, these trucks are great for tight or confined dumping areas.

Off-Highway Dump Trucks: These heavy-duty trucks are built for hauling large loads in mining and major construction projects. They can carry hundreds of tons of materials.

Super Dump Trucks: Also known as semi-trailer dump trucks, these can carry much larger loads than standard dump trucks. They have multiple axles and are ideal for long-distance transportation of bulk materials.

Rigid Dump Trucks: Similar to standard dump trucks but larger, these trucks are mainly used in mining and quarrying. They are known for their high payload capacity and durability.

Each type of dump truck serves a unique purpose, making them essential in various industries.

Best Dumper Trucks in India

Here are some of the top dumper trucks in India:

Tata Signa 2823.K HD 9S

The Tata Signa 2823.K HD 9S has a powerful 219 HP engine with a capacity of 5600 cc. It has a gross vehicle weight of 28,000 kg and a fuel tank that holds 300 liters. The truck's wheelbase measures 3880 mm.

Ashok Leyland 2820 Tipper

Ashok Leyland’s 2820 Tipper is another Best Dumper Trucks in India. The Ashok Leyland 2820 Tipper comes with a 200 HP engine and a capacity of 5660 cc. It has a gross vehicle weight of 28,000 kg and a fuel tank that holds 300 liters. The wheelbase is 3900 mm.

Eicher Pro 8035XM

The Eicher Pro 8035XM is a versatile dumper truck with a modern cabin and powerful engine. The Eicher Pro 8035XM is powered by a 350 HP engine with a capacity of 7698 cc. It has a gross vehicle weight of 35,000 kg and a fuel tank that holds 315 liters. The truck's wheelbase is 5285 mm.

Mahindra Blazo X 35 Tipper

The Mahindra Blazo X 35 Tipper 8X4 is equipped with a 276 HP engine and has a capacity of 7200 cc. It has a gross vehicle weight of 35,000 kg and a fuel tank that holds 260 liters.

Best Brands Offering Dumper Trucks in India

If you are looking for reliable brands that offer dumper trucks, here are some of the best in India:

Tata Motors

Tata Motors is the largest manufacturer of commercial vehicles in India. They offer a wide range of dumper trucks that are known for their durability and performance.

Ashok Leyland

Ashok Leyland is another leading brand in the commercial vehicle industry. Their dumper trucks are designed for heavy-duty work and are widely used in construction and mining.


BharatBenz, a part of Daimler AG, produces high-performance dumper trucks that come with advanced technology and features.

Eicher Motors

Eicher Motors, in partnership with Volvo, offers trucks that are known for their fuel efficiency and build quality. Their dumper trucks are widely used in infrastructure projects.


Mahindra is known for making tough and reliable trucks. Their dumper trucks are equipped with smart technology to improve fuel efficiency and are built to handle tough jobs.

Dumper trucks are an essential part of industries like construction, mining, and infrastructure development in India. They make it much easier to move large amounts of material quickly and efficiently. Though they can be expensive, they save a lot of time and manual labor, which makes them worth the investment for large-scale projects.



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व्यावसायिक वाहन खरेदी CMV360 वर सोपे होते

सीएमव्ही 360 - एक अग्रगण्य व्यावसायिक वाहन बाजारपेठ आहे. आम्ही खरेदी ग्राहकांना मदत करते, वित्त, विमा आणि सेवा त्यांच्या व्यावसायिक वाहने.

आम्ही ट्रॅक्टर, ट्रक, बस आणि तीन व्हीलर्सची किंमत, माहिती आणि तुलना यावर उत्तम पारदर्शकता आणतो.