Bharat Benz bus price in India starts at Rs 35.32 Lakh and goes up to Rs 38.50 Lakh. Bharat Benz has launched more than 5 buses from 240 horsepower to 240 horsepower category. This bus brand in India has introduced school buses to public and staff transportation buses for buyers. Some popular Bharat Benz buses are Bharat Benz 4D34i School Bus, Bharat Benz 1624 Chassis and Bharat Benz 4D34i Staff Bus.
History of Bharat Benz Buses
BharatBenz, a wholly owned brand of Daimler India Commercial Vehicles, is a subsidiary company of Daimler Truck AG. The company was founded in 2011 in Chennai, India, to manufacture trucks and buses for the Indian and world markets. The company started with a joint venture with Hero MotoCorp to manufacture medium and heavy-duty commercial vehicles. This joint venture was named Daimler Hero Commercial Vehicles (DHCV), but it dissolved in 2009 due to economic conditions, and Hero MotoCorp decided to focus more on personal vehicles. Regardless, Daimler renamed the brand DHCV to DICV, Daimler India Commercial Vehicles, and gained a 100% share in this company. The company launched one of its popular brands, BharatBenz, in 2011 to manufacture commercial vehicles and buses. However, it launched its buses in May 2015 in the Indian market, and presently, it offers a range of buses for its buyers.
Look below to find some popular Bharat Benz buses in India, along with their ex-showroom price.
Popular Bharat Benz Buses Price List 2025
Bus Models | HP Category | Price |
Bharat Benz School Bus | 170 HP | 37.27 Lakh |
Bharat Benz Staff Bus | 170 | 35.81 Lakh |
Bharat Benz 1624 Chassis | 240 HP | 35.32 Lakh |
Popular Models | 5 |
Most Expensive | Bharat Benz 1624 Chassis |
Affordable Model | Bharat Benz 1624 Chassis |
Upcoming Models | No upcoming model |
Fuel Type | Diesel |
No. Of Dealerships | 0 |
Registered Office Address
Delente Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
M3M Cosmopolitan, 12th Cosmopolitan,
Golf Course Ext Rd, Sector 66, Gurugram, Haryana
pincode - 122002
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