Eicher bus price in India starts at Rs 12.23 Lakh and goes up to Rs 36.34 Lakh. Eicher has launched more than 54 buses from 210 horsepower to 160 horsepower category. This bus brand in India has introduced school buses to public and staff transportation buses for buyers. Some popular Eicher buses are Eicher Starline 2090 L School Bus, Eicher Skyline 2075 H School Bus and Eicher 6016 M LPO.
History of Eicher Buses
Established in 1948, Eicher Motors Ltd is one of the popular Indian automotive brands that manufacture commercial vehicles and motorcycles. Eicher Motors is headquartered in Delhi and is the parent company of many leading brands, including Eicher Polaris, VE Commercial Vehicles Ltd, and Royal Enfield. VECV Ltd, or VE Commercial Vehicles, a joint venture between Eicher Motors and Volvo Group, manufactures commercial vehicles and powertrains. It has categorized its manufacturing divisions into five units: Eicher Trucks and Buses, Volvo Trucks India, Eicher Engineering Components, and VE Powertrain. The company manufactures and sells its buses under Eicher Trucks and Buses Division.
Look below to find some popular Eicher buses in India, along with their ex-showroom price.
Popular Eicher Buses Price List 2025
Bus Models | HP Category | Price |
Eicher Skyline RP 2112 M Route Permit | 160 | 31.49 Lakh |
Eicher Skyline 2112 M | 160 | 31.39 Lakh |
Eicher Skyline 2112 M School Bus | 160 | 31.14 Lakh |
Eicher Skyline Pro 3011 L Route Permit | 160 | 29.74 Lakh |
Eicher Skyline Pro 3011 L | 160 | 29.14 Lakh |
Popular Models | 47 |
Most Expensive | Eicher Skyline Pro 3011 L |
Affordable Model | Eicher 2050 C Chassis |
Upcoming Models | No upcoming model |
Fuel Type | Diesel, CNG and Electric |
No. Of Dealerships | 299 |
Eicher Skyline 2075 H School Bus
₹ 20.09 Lakh
Eicher Starline 2090 L School Bus
₹ 24.41 Lakh
Eicher Starline RP 2090 L Route Permit
₹ 25.46 Lakh
Eicher Starline 2090 L CNG School Bus
₹ 27.06 Lakh
Eicher Starline RP 2075 H Route Permit
₹ 24.36 Lakh
Eicher Starline 2090 L CNG
₹ 27.02 Lakh
Eicher Starline RP 2090 L Route Permit
₹ 25.46 Lakh
Eicher Starline RP 2075 H Route Permit
₹ 24.36 Lakh
Eicher Starline 2090 L School Bus
₹ 24.41 Lakh
Eicher Starline 2090 L CNG School Bus
₹ 27.06 Lakh
Eicher Starline 2075 H School Bus
₹ 22.75 Lakh
Eicher Starline 2075 H CNG School Bus
₹ 23.89 Lakh
Registered Office Address
Delente Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
M3M Cosmopolitan, 12th Cosmopolitan,
Golf Course Ext Rd, Sector 66, Gurugram, Haryana
pincode - 122002
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